Sunday, March 29, 2009

Abusing Drugs? No!!

Posted by Nur Kholiq at 8:08 PM

One of the biggest problems which is faced by the Indonesian’s country is about drug abuse. Drug abuse is misusing of drugs temporarily which is not for curing but for enjoyment. It is also way of using drugs without following the rules. It’s important to know, abusing drugs will destroy our physics, moral, emotions and even our behavior. And all kinds of drugs can be abused including physioactif (a subtance which can be change our mind and also our brain). So it is so dangerous to consume the drugs.

Nowdays, almost all walks of life have been abused the drugs. Not only man even the woman, adult – youth, and from all of the profession (Unemployments, Enternainers, even the teachres) This condition is wistfully, Why it can happened? There are many factors that causing someone to be drugs abuser. One of them is the drugs abusers wanna solve the problems. Most drugs abusers do the wrong way to solve their problems. They think that by abusing the drugs they can forget their problems. Other factor is feeling of enjoyment, basically all people wanna get an enjoyment, so they tried to consume the drugs because they think that their feeling will enjoy after abusing the drugs.
The third factor is group’s pressure. Most drugs abusers know the drugs from their friends. Usually their friends will force him to use drugs, he’ll be afraid if he doesn’t do it, his friends won’t be his friends again. And the last is broken home. I someone have problems with his home they’ll be depression, and they think they can lose their depression by abusing the drugs. Actually, axtantly many factors that causes drug abuse. But these are the biggest factors, I think.
Knowing this one, we know that abusing drugs is so dangerous for us. So be aware with yours. If all of the people have been abused the drugs, what will happened with our country…

2 comments on "Abusing Drugs? No!!"

Hangga Nuarta on March 29, 2009 at 9:52 PM said...

Good Lik, fight against drugs!!!

Nur Kholiq on March 30, 2009 at 6:48 PM said...

Ya...As the teenagers we must fight againts drugs!!! please...

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